
Cluster of Excellence 3D Matter Made to Order (3DMM2O)

The Cluster of Excellence 3D Matter Made to Order (3DMM2O) is a joint Research Cluster of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Heidelberg University.

The main task of the Cluster is to take 3D Additive Manufacturing to the next level by breaking current barriers of scale, precision and speed. The Cluster 3DMM2O aims at advancing 3D Additive Manufacturing from the macroscale to the micro-, nano-, and eventually to the molecular scale and at implementing the technology in three selected application areas.

Built upon the scientific expertise of more than 30 Principal Investigators from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Heidelberg University, the Cluster 3DMM2O is characterised by a highly interdisciplinary research approach. Principal Investigators, Postdoctoral and Doctoral researchers in chemistry, physical chemistry, physics, biophysics, biology, biomechanics, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering work together in the Cluster.

Funding for the Cluster of Excellence by the German Excellence Strategy and the Carl-Zeiss-Foundation started in January 2019.

Origin of the conference

The Cluster of Excellence “3D Matter Made to Order” organizes an annual “Gordon-like” conference on topics surrounding 3D Additive Manufacturing entitled “Future 3D Additive Manufacturing – The 3DMM2O Conference”. Each year, the conference focuses on a different aspect of the Cluster

Objectives of the conference

The annual Gordon-like conference is intended to be an international platform for new approaches in the field of 3D Additive Manufacturing, for networking as well as for discussions on state-of-the-art research with national and international experts.

For more information about 3DMM2O, please click here.