The conference will provide opportunities for oral and poster presentations.
Submission deadline for oral and poster presentations: January 16, 2023
Notification for selected oral and poster presentations: January 31, 2023
The schedule for selected talks and poster sessions will be emailed to all registrants in time before the beginning of the conference.
Abstract Guidelines
All abstracts should be submitted electronically before the abstract submission deadline. Abstracts sent by e-mail will not be accepted.
Only one abstract per person is possible.
The abstract should fit into a Din A4 page. It should contain an abstract title, author names, affiliations and, if available, a figure. The maximum number of characters is 2,200 characters, including spaces, title, authors, institutions and bibliography especially when figures are included.
Abstracts should be written in English.
If you are experiencing technical difficulties submitting an abstract, please contact the Congress and Conference Management (UniKT) for assistance.
Poster specifications
Please bring one printed copy of your poster. The pins for fixing the poster on the poster boards are available at the conference venue.
The poster size is Din A0 format, portrait orientation (84.10 cm width, 118.90 cm height).
Dimensions of the poster boards are 1.14 m wide by 1.44 m high.