Schöntal Monastery is a former Cistercian abbey (foundation 1157) located in the southern part of Germany near the city Heilbronn.
The abbey church houses the remains of Götz von Berlichingen, central figure of the play by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Overlooking the Jagst River, the nice baroque architecture and the idyllic location of Schöntal Monastery provide the perfect atmosphere for the three-day conference.
Bildungshaus Kloster Schöntal
Klosterhof 6
74214 Schöntal, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)7943 894 0
Fax: +49 (0)7943-894 100
bildungshaus@kloster-schoental de
Accommodation is provided in the Schöntal Monastery or nearby. It is covered by the registration fee and includes the stay in a single or double room. Some family rooms are available.
The rooms are located in the different parts of the monastery district, some of them directly in the historic abbey, others in the adjacent building and hotels in Schöntal and Jagsthausen.
The conference venue Schöntal Monastery is completely accessible. The conference halls can be reached by lift and without using stairs. Two barrier-free rooms are available.
Near airports
Frankfurt airport (175km), Nuremberg airport (190km), Stuttgart airport (95 km)
Train & bus
For reaching Schöntal Monastery by public transport, take the train to Möckmühl and then bus 11 from the Möckmühl train station (direction Bieringen/Dörzbach/Krautheim) until you reach the stop Schöntal Kloster.
For more information on connections and timetable inquiries, please see:
For trains: Deutsche Bahn
For bus from Möckmühl to Schöntal: Nahverkehr Hohenlohekreis
The Monastery has parking space for visitors, so arrival by car is another comfortable option:
Highway accesses North-South:
A81 Stuttgart-Würzburg (exit Möckmühl), A81 Würzburg-Stuttgart (exit Osterburken)
Highway accesses East-West:
A6 Nuremberg-Mannheim (exit Neuenstein), A6 Mannheim-Nuremberg – Weinsberg intersection to A81 (exit Möckmühl)